Contents of APG 60(2)
Acta Phytotax. Geobot., Volume 60 (2), September 2009
- Nishide, M., K. Saito, H. Kato & T. Sugawara
- Functional androdioecy in Morinda umbellata subsp. boninensis (Rubiaceae), endemic to the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands ....61
- Takahashi, H. & M. Hotta
- A taxonomic revision of the Allium virgunculae complex (Alliaceae) ....79
- Akiyama, H. & H. Tsubota
- Symphyodon leiocarpus, sp. nov. (Symphyodontaceae, Musci) from Thailand, classified in the new subgenus Macrothamniopsis ....87
- Akiyama, H.
- A revised list of bryophytes reported from Seram (Ceram) and Ambon Islands, the Moluccas, based on collections made on the 1984-1986 Japan-Indonesia Collaborative Expeditions ....97
Short Communication
- Wang, Q.
- The correct author citation of Gigantopteris (fossil plant'' ....127
New Names and Combinations ....130
Published September 30, 2009The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics
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