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(Revised October, 2017)

Members of the Japanese Society for Plant Systematics are encouraged to submit manuscripts pertinent to plant taxonomy, systematic botany, phytogeography and closely related disciplines for publication in Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica. Contribution from non-members abroad is also welcome, and if accepted, may be entitled free of charge for publication.

Manuscripts should be written in English.

Full original papers are limited to 20 printed pages in length including tables and figures. Short communications are limited to 4 printed pages. With the approval of the Editorial Board, additional pages may be published only at the author’s expense (3,000 Yen per page). Monographs exceeding 30 printed pages may be compiled in supplementary issues. Reviews (not more than 20 printed pages) and short reviews (not more than 10 pages) are also considered for publication.

Preparation of Manuscripts:

Cover sheet should contain (a) full name(s) of author(s) and address, (b) the corresponding author’s name, unabbreviated complete address, phone and facsimile number and e-mail address, (c) title, (d) numbers of figures and tables, and (e) running title including author’s family name with less than 50 characters.

Type in double-space on one side of A4 size papers with margin at least 2.5 cm wide. Each typewritten page usually consists of 25 lines.

Arrange the manuscript in the order listed below and number all pages consecutively, including tables and figures.

Title of paper, name(s) of author(s) and affiliation with addresses.

Abstract should be a lucid digest of the paper, not exceeding 200 words for a full paper.

Key words not more than 10 words are arranged in an alphabetical order.

Text containing Introduction (without heading), Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Acknowledgments is suggested. Scientific names are written in Italic. Scientific names that appear firstly in each paragraph should be unabbreviated. Voucher specimens should be cited. Abbreviations of herbaria should follow Index Herbariorum.

References cited in the text should be arranged alphabetically according to the name(s) of author(s). Text reference should be made by the author’s names followed by the year of publication. [for example: Matsumura (1912), or (Matsumura 1912)]. If the number of authors is three or more, use Takamiya et al. (1997), or (Takamiya et al. 1997). Each reference should be given in the following form:

  • Sheh, M.-L. 1992. Peucedanum. In: Shan, R.-H. & M.-L. Sheh (eds.), Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, vol. 55 (3), pp. 123-175. Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese).
  • Matsumura, J. 1912. Index Plantarum Japonicarum, vol. 2. Maruzen, Tokyo.
  • Ridder-Numan, J. 1997. The continuing story of Spatholobus (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) and its allies. In: Dransfield, J., M. J. E. Coode & D. A. Simpson (eds.), Plant Diversity in Malesia III, pp. 205-217. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Wain, R. P., W. T. Haller & D. F. Maktin. 1985. Isozymes in studies of aquatic plants. J. Aquatic Pl. Managem. 23: 42-45.

Tables should be included the heading, a lucid legend to explain the meaning of the content.

Figures should be prepared as follows: (a) Size for figures as published should be less than 135 × 180 mm for a whole page. (b) Legends for figures should be grouped on a separate sheet. Original figures should be kept at hand until requested. Figures can be color-printed at the author’s expense (18,000 Yen per page).

Whether or not the manuscript is accepted and the order of publication is to be decided by the Editorial Committee after peer reviews by two or more referees. The positions and scale of figures and tables in published page may be changed from the author’s designation.

Galley proof will be sent to the corresponding author. The authors are responsible for reading the first galley proof. No change of the content of the manuscript is permitted on the galley proof. If the Editors recognize the necessity for a change, this change may be made at the author’s expense.

Offprints. The authors will receive free of charge 50 offprints. Additional copies can be obtained at author’s cost.

Copyright. The articles published in APG are subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Japanese Society for Plant Systematics. The authors should submit the agreement that the copyright for their article is transferred to the Japanese Society for Plant Systematics when the article is accepted to publication.

Submit all manuscripts by an e-mail or a registered mail to Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Minoru N. Tamura, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan.


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最終更新時間:2013年05月30日 17時51分39秒
